Friday, December 3, 2010

A rock and a sleigh bell

My children have a lot of stuff. Their rooms are littered with Gears, action figures, crayons, etc.  They have so much they don't play with, it's hard to think of things to get them for Christmas. Other then games for the Wii and DS, I was at a loss when family asked what they might like for gifts. The other day I asked them what they would like for Cristmas, their reply... Chad my oldest would like a rock. A big one from the mountain. David my youngest (making his Pop-eye the sailor man face above) wants a sleigh bell. Not just any sleigh bell, one from Santa's sleigh. This is what they asked for. Boy did I luck out this year.


  1. Cute boys!

    And yay I got the ring yesterday - I love it!
    Thank you so much and I also live the sweet refrigerator magnets, they are holding up my takeaway menus as we speak :)

  2. Glad you liked everything, and I'm glad it made it there in one piece!

  3. oh my goodness! that's kinda funny. I hope whatever you decide to get them, they will like anyway (=

  4. I thought so too! They're good boys. They'll like what ever they get, but they sure didn't make it easy on us this year!
