Caring for the elderly and demented is rough.
I have classes Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at 7:30 am.
Tuesday, Thursday, Late Friday mornings, and Saturday& Sunday Mornings
I take Grandma her breakfast and begin the hunt.
What hunt?
The hunt for dirty bathmats and nightgowns.
She hides them.
You see, Grandma is accident prone.
We have bathmats in front of her bed to "catch" her morning accidents.
We have bathmats in front of her rocker for similar reasons.
If I don't search her room regularly
the whole house will begin to smell.
She can't smell it.
She does wear her special briefs most of the time.
She absolutely will not wear them to bed.
She gets up in the morning and well...
Gravity does the rest.
I'm just glad she has control of number 2.
But like I said,
caring for the elderly and demented is rough.